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Grant Evaluation

CHC Foundation grants funds toward the initiation, support, and furtherance of activities that enhance the social, cultural, and community service needs in its service area.

CHC Foundation prefers to support one-time projects. It may consider longer term projects that demonstrate a potential for ongoing matching funds or operational funding independent of CHC Foundation funds. CHC Foundation looks for grant opportunities where its funds will make a critical difference. It gives priority to innovative and enriching projects that serve the public interest and well-being and that significantly improve the quality of life.

CHC Foundation considers the following factors when reviewing grant applications:

  • Eligibility — 501(c)(3) letter of verification
  • Need addressed in the proposal
  • Potential benefits of the project
  • Capability of the proposing organization to achieve the desired results
  • Adequacy of the total project budget and timetable to achieve the desired results
  • Evidence of appropriate cooperation with other organizations in the same field or organizations assisting and/or materially supporting the project
  • Extent and sources of other matching funds being raised for the proposed project
  • Inclusion of written bids from vendors
  • Likelihood and extent of ongoing support from the requesting organizations and other sources
  • Assurance of the continued, long-term operational viability of the requesting organization

After the deadline has passed for receiving grant applications, all CHC Foundation Board Directors will receive a copy of the grant requests. One or more Board Directors will individually research each grant request, and all grant requests will be discussed by the entire Board of Directors. All grant applications will generally receive written notification of the grant request's disposition by June 1 for the spring session and November 1 for the fall session.