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Grant Writing

  • To begin the process, please refer to the information provided in the "Grants/Writing" section of this website.  We ask that all grant applications include narratives addressing the information requested in each bullet point listed there.  Your completed application file, including your narrative and supporting documentation, must be saved as a pdf file before submission. (If you need assistance converting your documents to PDFs, please click this link.)
  • The following is your outline for your grant application.  Please answer all questions in detail.  All information must be saved as one document in pdf format. To do this be sure that any attached documents ( 501-c 3 ) ( financial statements ) (letters of support) etc. are scanned in as part of your one document and saved as you work on your grant application!
  • You can use Adobe acrobat to combine pdf's into one pdf file by right clicking on the file and clicking "Combine files"  or you can put all the information for the grant application in a word document and export it as one single pdf.

Project Description

  • A complete description of the project including goals and objectives
  • Identification of specific outcomes the project is expected to achieve
  • Explanation of the need for the project
  • Specific activities or methods that will be used to reach the project goals
  • A timeline for implementation of the project including starting date and expected completion date
  • Comments on past or present attempts by the applicant and others to address the designated need.

Itemized Project Budget

  • Itemized project budget showing how major expenses are estimated. 
    • List out each item in your project budget.
    • Show the total cost of your budget.
    • Include the amount requested from CHC Foundation funds to meet the project costs.
    • If your organization is providing a match, indicate where the matching funds are coming from (other grants, fundraising, donated time/goods, organization funds budgeted for this project, etc.) 
      • NOTE: Salaries, operating expenses, and supplies are not matching funds. 
  • PLEASE include bids for anything included on your budget.
    • If you are hiring a contractor for services, they will provide you with a bid. 
    • If you are making an online purchase, include a screenshot of your shopping cart, showing subtotals and totals.
    • If you are purchasing from a physical store, request a written estimate from the store. 
  • Explanation of how the project will be maintained after CHC Foundation funds are expended (how will operating expenses be funded?)
  • Explanation of why the organization cannot assume the cost of the project from its own resources
  • Explanation of other funding sources that have been received or attempted.


Information About the Organization

  • Description of the organization requesting funds, including a summary of its background, purpose, objectives, and experience in the area for which the funds are being sought.
  • Name and qualifications of people involved in implementing the project.
  • Include a list of the Board of Directors if appropriate.
  • Statement of full support by the director of the requesting organization. Schools should include a letter from the principal and superintendent supporting the project. Other public entities should include letters of support from appropriate governmental officials. 
  • Please list past history of CHC Foundation grant history requests in descending chronological order with amounts requested and granted. The discussion should include the following: purposes, experiences, and outcomes of those projects that were granted.
  • How did your organization learn about the CHC Foundation?


Organization Finances

  • Include information about the organization’s financial support for this individual project.
  • Statement of the organization's financial status, including all sources of funds and income (preferably an audited balance sheet and income statement for the most recent fiscal year).
  • A copy of the Internal Revenue Service tax exempt letter verifying that the organization is not a private foundation and is exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
  • For public entities eligible under Section 170(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, a statement from the governmental or political subdivision official (school principal or superintendent, city mayor, county commissioner, etc.) affirming that the entity is eligible under Section 170(c)(1) because it is a political subdivision of the State of Idaho.   
  • Name, address, phone number, and letter of endorsement from a person authorized to receive funds if granted.

The Board of  CHC Foundation may request additional information or clarification from the applicant if needed.

CHC Foundation desires and appreciates complete, concise, typewritten applications and welcomes inquiries from prospective applicants. Please assure that all pages of your submitted application are numbered.